Encelium Touch Screen KX7

KX7S Touchscreen

LCD Touch Screen Display Panel

The Encelium KX7S LCD Touchscreen is a 7-inch flush-mount LCD touchscreen display that provides the ability to recall multiple lighting scenes for a given zone. This is ideal for large multi-purpose spaces where lighting requirements vary throughout the day, such as an auditorium or conference room.

With an intuitive panel design, users will be able to easily command various lighting scenarios to achieve the desired atmosphere. The LCD touchscreen provides multiple functions in each lighting zone such as setting brightness levels, recalling set scenes, on/off switching zones, and dim relative and global.

The KX7S Touchscreen is powered using a PoE (Power over Ethernet) Injector or PoE Network Switch and internally utilizes a KP6S Remote Control Processor. The KP6S automates the operation of the KX7S Touchscreen and integrates seamlessly with the Encelium X Networked Light Management System.


  • Control multiple lighting scenes for multi-purpose spaces
  • Capacitive touch screen for page navigation through screen swiping
  • Screen appearance can be personalized for every space
  • Perfect use for auditoriums, board rooms, large classrooms, and any multi-purpose space

User Interfaces