Bryan Medical Center is a Nebraska governed non-profit health system that cares for patients, educates tomorrow’s health care providers, and motivates its community with fitness and health programs. Located in Lincoln, Nebraska and serving patients throughout Nebraska as well as parts of Kansas, Iowa, South Dakota, and other states in the region, the organization has an extensive network of doctors, hospitals, and medical providers across a wide range of services and specialties including cardiology, neuroscience, vascular, emergency departments, intensive care, women’s and children’s health, a Level III NICU and a Level II Trauma Center. The organization also brings care and treatment directly to rural communities through sophisticated mobile diagnostic and treatment services, telemedicine services, specialized heart care clinics, telehealth mental health counseling, and more.
- Bryan Medical Waiting Areas
Bryan Medical Center facilities total approximately 3 million square feet across two campuses and lighting control requirements vary within the space. A flexible, reliable, forward-thinking system that could support a wide range of environments and lead Bryan Health into the future was required. Although each campus is managed separately, a user-friendly, centralized lighting control system with advanced data visualization and dashboards was essential.
Their goal as part of a remodeling effort spanning two campuses was to leverage a flexible, reliable, forward-thinking networked light management system that can support a wide range of environments and reduce energy usage and related operating costs.
The implementation of the Encelium Light Management System has revolutionized what Bryan Medical Center can do with lighting.
“We have been installing Encelium throughout our facilities as we remodel areas or change out fluorescent lights for energy-efficient LED technologies, I’m not aware of any system on the market with as much flexibility as Encelium. It is an amazing system. For instance, we’ve been able to empower office workers to set their own light levels in their workspace to suit their needs on a given day.”
-Mike Wiruth, Master Electrician, Bryan Medical Center
In addition to increased individual comfort, the number of routine calls made to facilities and the Help Desk noticeably dropped. An occupancy sensor installed in each cube shuts off the lights when the office is not in use which according to Wiruth has been their highest energy saver.

Bryan Medical ER patient room with Encelium 2-button keypad in the foreground.
There are a number of additional benefits Bryan Medical Center has realized with the Encelium installation including improved lighting that directly impacts critical diagnostics and improved workflows. As an example, lighting control is particularly important in the special procedures room where radiology scans are reviewed. In the past, Bryan Medical Center used a hard-wired solution for this area but radiologists found controlling the light levels cumbersome. “With Encelium, our radiologists and attending physicians have seen an extreme improvement in the quality of lighting and the user interface,” added Wiruth.
- Bryan Medical Special Procedure patient room
- Emergency Room Patient Room
Different task tuning levels are automatically incorporated in lighting scenes enabling highly accurate diagnosis. For convenience, lighting scenes are triggered using a foot pedal for hands-free viewing. Additionally, a lighting control Sensory Interface Module (SIM) monitors a set of contacts on an X-ray machine which automatically triggers the lights to a custom scene when the machine is in X-ray mode and then reverts to the original scene when it goes out of X-ray mode, saving staff the time and effort of manually adjusting the lights.

Bryan Medical Nurse Station
The conference area at Bryan Medical Center facilities management is leveraging the flexibility that the Encelium system offers. Curtain dividers can split a large conference room into smaller rooms for more intimate gatherings or when multiple meetings are taking place. Multiple scenes are pre-programmed into an Encelium controller that is located behind the scenes in a storage room. When the room is booked, the scheduler also identifies the appropriate lighting scene required, streamlining operations while saving energy.
Little things add up and having a simple switch in the right location can be a time-saver and help streamline operations. Bryan Medical Center facilities management is leveraging the Encelium system network for some easy conveniences. A simple switch connected to the Encelium system was installed at the nurse’s station to open the ambulance garage door. Similarly, the lights on the heliport can now be controlled from the Emergency Department, six floors below, using a basic switch connected to the Encelium system.